
If your horse is recuperating from an injury or surgery and requires a structured, taylor made return to work programme, Blackwater Rehabilitation livery can ensure an optimum recovery and return to fitness. We specialise in ridden work and have excellent success rates with horses in all disciplines; particularly in showjumping and eventing.

In accordance with the instructions of your vets, we will develop a programme tailored precisely to the needs of your horse, including any specific nutritional requirements. All programmes are executed under the supervision of our yard manager who will provide you with regular updates on progress, as frequently as you require. We also liase with any other equine professionals involved to ensure continuity of care.

We can also offer packages for the horse on box rest, recuperation and post-operative, with or without the use of the horse walker.

Your horse can be brought to us direct from Liphook, Endell, or any other equine hospital. Most of our clients are referred to us by leading veterinarians and surgeons.

Many insurance companies will pay for livery and any rehabilitation treatments.